Whiskey Blue

Whiskey Blue

**Prices and specials are subject to change at any time  

Happy Hours

Monday thru Friday 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Featured Special

  • DrinksHappy Hour Specialty Cocktails
If you are staying at the W Hotel in Westwood, then you are already here but if you are looking for an exceptional night out, Whiskey Blue is the place to stop. Our atmosphere will indulge your senses and our staff will take care of your every need while you are enjoying your companions and your favorite cocktail. We hope to meet you soon.

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More Happy Hours

Monday thru Friday 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

  • DrinksHappy Hour Specialty Cocktails
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Location Info

Whiskey Blue
Lounges in Westwood
930 Hilgard Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Hours of Operation

Tuesday thru Saturday 5 pm - 2 am
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